5 Healthy Diet Foods

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Your effort to loose weight and get an ideal body weight might have been done well. Nevertheless, you need a further effort to maintain your diet consistency for sure ;) Am I right?? ^.^

Yeappp... So, let me share with you what are those 5 types of healthy diet foods which may become your diet choices :)


Apple is rich in fiber. A medium size of apple contains 4 grams of fiber. The latest research that had been published by Journal of Nutrition stated that by increasing fiber intakes, it will prevent weight-gained yet aid in loosing weight.


Vegetables soup is one of the healthy diet since it's high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals which are required and essential for our body. It gives a full sensation as well which eventually cut down our food intake unwittingly.


Oatmeal breakfast! Consuming oatmeal 3 hours before exercising can burn more fat. It had been proven by scientific research and had been published by Journal of Nutrition.


Mushroom contains low calories and low fat. Besides, it had been proven that the satiety of consuming mushroom as same as consuming beef.

5) Egg

Egg consumption for breakfast can make you feel full and reduce body weight two times than consuming bread or others that have the same calories.


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